11. Line chart with two tabs: Subscriptions and Subscribers.
Analytics / Subscription rules
Date range:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days (by default)
This Month
Last Month
Custom Range
2. Show analytics from - all the rules available in the app at the moment + All subscription rules (all the rules available in the selected period, including deleted ones).
3. Subscription product - the name of the product in the subscription rule.
4. Subscription rule - the name of the rule with subscription product.
5. Viewed - how many times the product / widget was shown on the product page / quick view / featured product.
6. Added - how many times the product was added to the cart.
7. Bought - how many times the product was bought after it was added to the cart (only the initial order is counted).
8. Conversion - bought / viewed * 100%. Conversion is a percentage of sessions that resulted in orders, out of the total number of viewed sessions.