The app provides you with access to key analytics that help to understand where your subscriptions or subscription rules are going.
Active subscriptions - all subscriptions with the Active status.
Active subscribers - all subscribers with the Active status (with at least one subscription with the Active status).
Total amount processed - total value of orders containing subscription items created within all time
Customer subscriptions / Subscription rules - tab between two analytics sections
Analytics / Customer subscriptions
Analytics / Customer subscriptions contains information on existing subscriptions/subscribers.
5. Date range:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days (by default)
This Month
Last Month
Custom Range
6. New subscriptions - new subscriptions during the selected period. If the subscription had the Failed / Paused status, such a subscription would not be considered as new after renewal
7. Cancellations - subscriptions were canceled during the selected period (by you or your customer)
8. New subscribers - new subscribers during the selected period. If a subscriber had subscriptions with the Failed / Paused status, this subscriber would not be considered as new after the renewal of such subscriptions .
If the subscriber had all the subscriptions with the Cancelled status, the subscriber would be considered as new after the renewal of subscriptions with any status except Cancel.
9. Cancellations - subscribers with all cancelled subscriptions during the selected period (by your or your customer)
10.Amount processed - total value of orders containing subscription items, created within the selected period
11. Line chart with two tabs: Subscriptions and Subscribers.