1. Open Themes section on the admin panel of your web store (Online Store → Themes);

  2. Find Theme from the list which will be used with our installed app.

  3. Click ActionsEdit Code.

  4. Open search.liquid file.

 {% if search.results %}
  {% assign upsellProducts = '' %}
  {% for product in search.results %}
   {% if product.tags contains '8upsell' %}
    {% if upsellProducts != '' %}
     {% assign upsellProducts = upsellProducts | append:',' %}
    {% endif %}
    {% assign upsellProducts = upsellProducts | append:product.id %}
   {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% if upsellProducts %}
   {% assign upsellProducts = upsellProducts | split: ',' %}
  {% endif %}
 {% endif %}

 {% if search.results == empty or search.results.size == upsellProducts.size %}

 {% assign currentSearchItem = item.id | strip_html %}
 {% if upsellProducts contains currentSearchItem %}
  {% continue %}
 {% endif %}

  1. Open Themes section on the admin panel of your web store (Online Store → Themes);
  2. Find Theme from the list which will be used with our installed app.
  3. Click ActionsEdit Code.
  4. Open collection.liquid file.
  5. Find the line {% for product in collection.products %} and after it add:

{% if product.tags contains '8upsell' %}
  {% continue %}
 {% endif %}

Probably on your custom theme the code may have some differences in contrast to the one indicated on the example on the screenshots, but in general the alterable parameters should be the same.

Related QA:

Здесь отображаются связанные статьи с учетом выбранных меток. Щелкните, чтобы отредактировать макрос и добавить или изменить метки.

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