RecurrinGO & Google Analytics

RecurrinGO & Google Analytics


RecurrinGO integration with Google Analytics allows you to send recurring order transactions and subscription-related events to your existing Google Analytics account:

  • Recurring order paid

  • Recurring order failed

  • Subscription created (first order)

  • Subscription paused

  • Subscription resumed

  • Subscription cancelled

  • Subscription next order/invoice skipped


Along with these events, the following information will be sent to Google Analytics: product_id, customer_id, subscription_id.


To set up your RecurrinGO to Google Analytics 4 connection, follow this instructional guide.


  1. In RecurrinGO: Go to the app Settings > Click the App integration button > In the list of app integrations, find Google Analytics. 


If the integration is not activated, you’ll see the ‘Not connected’ label. 

Once the Google Analytics integration is complete, this label will change to ‘Connected’.


Click the Google Analytics button > Check the box ‘Enable Google Analytics integration’.


2. Next, you need to obtain a Measurement ID in your Google Analytics account. To do this, in Google Analytics: go to Admin > Data streams.

Click your web data stream.


The GA Measurement ID is usually in the following format: G-XXXXXXXXXX. Copy this by clicking the corresponding icon.

For GA integration, you also need to create your API secret key. Further down the Web stream detail page, find Measurement Protocol API secrets and click into it.

Here you can Create a new API secret key and give it a nickname.

Now that your new API secret key is created, make sure to copy it.


3. Go back to RecurrinGO. 

Under the Measurement ID, paste the copied Measurement ID value.

Under the API secret key, paste the copied API secret key value.




When the correct Measurement ID and API secret key are pasted into the field and validated, after clicking the Save button you’ll see ‘Integration enabled successfully’.

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