[IMPORTANT] Create a custom template necessary for the correct functioning of the application

Instruction for a merchant to add a custom template required for the correct functioning of the application:

  1. Go to the theme template editing section:

    1. In the left menu, select Sales ChannelsOnline Store.

    2. On the Themes page, click the button with three dots and select the Edit Code item.

  1. Click Add new template in the left list under the Templates group heading.

  2. In the Template type dropdown, select the value product, then liquid. Add sub-json to the filename field.

  1. Insert the following content in the editor:

{% layout none %}{% capture output %} { "id":{{product.id}}, "handle":"{{product.handle}}", "key":"{{product.key}}", "title":{{product.title | json}}, "images":[{{product.images[0].src | json}}], "variants":[{% for variant in product.variants %}{"id":{{variant.id}},"title":{{variant.title | json}},"inventory_quantity":{{variant.inventory_quantity}},"available":{{variant.available}},"price":{{variant.price}}}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}] }{% endcapture %}{{ output | strip_newlines }}
  1. Click Save button.