Managing currencies

Managing currencies

You can decide what currencies are available at your store.

If you select the “Allow all currencies” option, the list of all the currencies worldwide will be used for automatic conversion and manual conversion within the currencies drop-down.

If you select the “Specify which currencies will be available”, you will be able to specify only the allowed currencies. They will be used within the currency conversion drop-downs. If the automatic conversion is enabled and the user’s location doesn’t correspond to any of the allowed currencies, the default store currency will be used.

You can add an unlimited number of currencies to the list. Use the search bar to find the currency you need.


After the currencies are selected, you can manage their sort order within a drop-down. They can be sorted either alphabetically (from A to Z, or from Z to A) or manually (drag the currency and paste it to the desired position within the list):


💡 You can sell in multiple currencies only in case your store uses Shopify Payments. If other payment methods are used, the price will be reset back to the default store currency.

You can notify your clients about that by adding a warning message to the shopping cart page.

The message can be styled with the default color settings or with your own custom CSS styles:



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