App Configuration

App Configuration

Right after the installation, you should enable the app in the configuration.

The app configuration is located in Settings page.


  • Active/Disable - the first section allows you to enable or disable the entire app on the front-end.


Product page settings

These settings allow you to enable/disable the "No-contact" label on the product page.

  • Display ‘No-contact delivery’ on product pages - this setting allows you to display the ‘No-contact delivery available’ text on the product page.

  • Label - this setting allows you to change the label for the ‘No-contact delivery’ option on the product page.

  • Description - this setting allows you to add a description, which will appear below the ‘No-contact delivery’ option on the product page on the front-end.

Cart page settings

These settings allow you to change the "No-contact" delivery label and description in the cart.

  • Label - this setting allows you to change the label for the ‘No-contact delivery’ option in the cart.

  • Description - this setting allows you to add a description, which will appear below the ‘No-contact delivery’ option in the cart on the front-end.


If you need to remove the app from your store, please follow these 2 steps:

  1. Remove the app from the Apps section in your Shopify back-end. This will cancel the subscription and remove the app from your store.

From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes, find the theme you want to remove "No-contact" delivery App from and click Actions > Edit code.

  1. Delete mw_NCP_init.liquid snippet

Open the Snippets folder, locate the snippet named mw_DD_objects.liquid and click Delete button.

  1. Delete mw_NCP_helper.liquid snippet

Open the Snippets folder, locate the snippet named mw_NCP_helper.liquid and click Delete button.

  1. Remove code from theme files

Open the Layout folder, and click the theme.liquid file.

Find the code:

{% include 'mw_NCP_helper' %}

Remove it and clickSavebutton.