Adding one-time products to an upcoming order

Adding one-time products to an upcoming order

Customers may wish to add a one-time product to one of their upcoming subscription orders. It can be added to an existing subscription through the Customer portal if the option “Customers can add one-time purchased products to their subscriptions” is enabled by a merchant in Settings > Customer permissions.

Customer actions:

  1. Go to My account > Manage subscriptions 

  1. Select the subscription you want to change by clicking on its four-digit ID number.

  1. Click the Add product button

  2. Select the option of adding the product:

  • Subscription basis (subscribing to the product on a recurring basis)

  • One-time purchase (adding the product to an upcoming order)


If the merchant doesn’t enable the option “Customers can add one-time purchased products to their subscriptions” in Settings > Customer permissions, customers will only have the option of adding the product as a subscription. In that case, we recommend changing the text of the “Add product” button to “Add subscription product” in Settings > Customer portal labels.

And vice versa, if the merchant doesn’t enable the option “Customers can add/remove products from their subscriptions”, customers will only have the option of adding the product as a one-time purchase. In that case, we recommend changing the text of the “Add product” button to “Add one-time product” in Settings > Customer portal labels.

Adding one-time products is available for both auto-charging subscriptions and recurring invoices. For auto-charging subscriptions, the product is added to an upcoming order and is removed automatically when payment for this order is initialized. For recurring invoices, the product is added to an upcoming invoice and is removed after the invoice is sent.

Adding one-time products is not available for prepaid subscriptions.


When a customer adds products to the subscription, a merchant will receive a corresponding email notification if Merchants notifications are enabled in Settings > Notifications.

Merchants can also add products to customer subscriptions by going to Customer subscriptions > Subscription #XXXX and clicking Add items. They choose whether to add an item on a subscription basis or as a one-time purchase and click Next to select products.

When a merchant adds products to the subscription, a customer will receive a “Subscription information updated” message if that type of notification is enabled in Settings > Notifications.

Removing a one-time product from an order

Merchants can remove a one-time product from a customer's upcoming order by finding the required subscription in Customer subscriptions and clicking the Remove button under the item in a subscription. A customer will receive a “Subscription information updated” message if that type of notification is enabled in Settings > Notifications.

Customers can delete the one-time product directly from their end within their customer portal by clicking the basket icon near the required item. When a customer removes products, a merchant will receive a corresponding email notification if Merchants notifications are enabled in Settings > Notifications.

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