Order history in customer's account

Order history in customer's account

To display the selected date/time details in the order view within a customer's account on the front-end, you need to edit the code of the customers/order.liquid in your theme.

Go to Online Store > Themes > > Actions > Edit code for the necessary theme. Find the file customers/order.liquid file and add the following code snippet to the place, where you need to display the chosen delivery date details.

{% if order.attributes.Delivery-Date %} {% assign deliveryMethod = "Store pickup" %} {% if order.attributes.Delivery-Method contains "localDelivery" %} {% assign deliveryMethod = "Local delivery" %} {% endif %} <div> <h2>{{ deliveryMethod }} information</h2> <p> {{ deliveryMethod }} date: {{ order.attributes.Delivery-Date }} <br /> {% if order.attributes.Delivery-Time %} {{ deliveryMethod }} time: {{ order.attributes.Delivery-Time }} {% endif; %} <br /> {% if order.attributes.Delivery-Comment %} Comments: {{ order.attributes.Delivery-Comment }} {% endif %} <br /> </p> </div> {% endif %}

Here is the example based on the Shopify 2.0 theme “Down”:



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