How to start using email notifications for the app?

1) Create some product offers (Offers -> Add new Offer). Specify the products for which that offer will be proposed. Then specify the products which will be proposed on that offer.

                                               (click to enlarge)

2) Create Email Templates (Templates -> Add template). Set email sending time for each (the time when email will be sent according to this template after the purchase of order). Choose country for the template (use Rest of World if this Template is used for the customers from all over the world).

                                                        (click to enlarge)

3) Write message of the email using the most important placeholders:

  • :purchased_products

  • :suggested_products

The first one contains products, which customer has bought. The second one contains products, which you have assigned with purchased products at the first step.

                                                         (click to enlarge)

4) Translate or change any phrases, which will be used in product sections of the email (Translation -> Edit phrases).

                                                (click to enlarge)

5) Wait for the sales increased!